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USCA Club Teams (6W)

About this event

American Rules
Doubles Only

Carla P Rueck - TD


The spirit of Club Teams is that participants representing clubs should be regular, resident or seasonal participating members of the Club they represent and intend to maintain continued membership in that club.

Clubs should bring their club flag to display!!!

Wear Green for St. Patrick's Day!!!

There will be three flights with flight placement determined by the lower handicap of the team. The Lyon's Trophy is presented to the overall club and is awarded in three divisions. Division placement is determined by the overall number of teams representing each club. Large clubs will compete for Division I, medium clubs for Division II and small clubs for Division III. Winners of each division are determined by points awarded for final standings in each flight with winners of the flight receiving the most points followed by second, third, fourth and fifth.

Tentative Schedule:
Daily - Breakfast, Beverage Station, and Lunch
Wednesday, March 15 - Attend the Annual Meeting and Annual Awards for free with RSVP
Thursday, March 16 - Volunteer to play under the lights.  Pizza party and Fun & Games.
Friday and Saturday nights are open.
Sunday, March 19 - Brunch

By registering for this event, you acknowledge that you are participating in one or more croquet tournaments, schools and related events sponsored by the United States Croquet Association, Inc. In consideration of being allowed entry into the facility and participation in the event, you agree not to make any demand or commence any suit or action against the United States Croquet Association, Inc. or the facility, or any of the officers, directors, employees, tournament directors, tournament managers or members of said entities (collectively referred to as the “Releasees”) for damages or any other relief in law or equity in connection with any and all claims arising out of your presence at the facility and/or participation in events conducted during the tournament, whether attributable to the conduct of any of the Releasees or any other individual. You further understand and acknowledge that the sport of croquet has certain inherent risks of injury, including, but not limited to, stationary wickets set in the ground, mallets, croquet balls and boundary line string and you further agree to assume any and all risk of injury in connection with your presence at the facility and/or participation in the tournament.

Furthermore, by completing this registration, you are hereby consenting to allow United States Croquet Association, its members and its affiliates (collectively, "USCA"), to use and disclose images (photograph(s) and/or video) and acknowledge that your image may be distributed to the public via our website and social media accounts. You hereby authorize USCA to use images, and any information contained therein, in its public relations efforts, including on their website, brochures, social media, and other materials. You understand and approve the disclosure of testimonial information to the media and other individuals and entities that may be involved in the public relations efforts. You agree to allow your images to be published, reproduced, and distributed for the purpose of USCA marketing efforts. You waive the right of prior approval and hereby release USCA from any and all claims for damages of any kind based on the use of your images, or information collected for marketing assets to promote the sport. By completing this registration, you also confirm that you have the authority to act on behalf of any additional people included with your registration and accept responsibility and liability for any challenges to the consents and waivers contained herein. By completing this registration, you agree and acknowledge that you have read and understood the above Release and agree to all terms described.

Player List
updated 3/7/23

Name Club Name Hdcp Doubles Partner
1 Jim Watrous Belleair Country Club 4.5 Frank LaValla
2 Jeanette Hodgkins Belleair Country Club 7 Donald Kent
3 Frank LaValla Belleair Country Club 7 Jim Watrous
4 Barbara Ann Busch Belleair Country Club 14 Nancy Hunt
5 Nancy Hunt Belleair Country Club 20 Barbara Ann Busch
6 Donald Kent Belleair Country Club 20 Jeanette Hodgkins
7 John Young Bombay Mallet & Wicket Club -1.5 Doug Moore
8 David Isaacs Bombay Mallet & Wicket Club -1.5 Temp Peck
9 Douglas Moore Bombay Mallet & Wicket Club -0.5 John Young III
10 Templeton Peck Bombay Mallet & Wicket Club 4 David Isaacs
11 Karen Heckman Bombay Mallet & Wicket Club 6 Larry Lynch
12 Thomas Cooper Everglades Club -1.5 Randall Roe
13 Randall Roe Everglades Club 10 Tom Cooper
14 Robert Pulitzer Houston Croquet Assocation -0.5 John Brown
15 John Brown Houston Croquet Association -1 Bob Pulitzer
16 John Watson Houston Croquet Association 2.5 Patricia Peterkin
17 George Peterkin Houston Croquet Association 4 John Craddock
18 Lee Hamel Houston Croquet Association 5 Mark Stamey
19 Richard Lummis Houston Croquet Association 6 Jackie Wallace
20 John Craddock Jr Houston Croquet Association 7 George Peterkin
21 Joseph Leary Houston Croquet Association 8 Boyd Parker
22 Don Chapoton Houston Croquet Association 8 TBD
23 Boyd Parker Houston Croquet Association 8 Joseph Leary
24 Georgia Carter Houston Croquet Association 9 Mary Craddock
25 Kit Detering Houston Croquet Association 9 Carl Detering
26 Carl Detering Houston Croquet Association 10 Kit Detering
27 Mary Craddock Houston Croquet Association 10 Georgia Carter
28 Patricia Peterkin Houston Croquet Association 11 Johnny Watson
29 Nora Watson Houston Croquet Association 12 Donna Wilson
30 Marjorie Cain Houston Croquet Association 14 James Walker Cain
31 Walker Cain Houston Croquet Association 14 Marjorie Cain
32 Mary Jo Chapoton Houston Croquet Association 14 TBD
33 Donna Wison Hamel Houston Croquet Association 15 Nora Watson
34 Carmela Lummis Houston Croquet Association 16 Bass Wallace
35 Maude Carter Houston Croquet Association 16 Mathilde Hoefer
36 Mathilde Hoefer Houston Croquet Association 16 Maude Carter
37 Bass Wallace Houston Croquet Association 20 Carmela Lummis
38 Mark Stamey Houston Croquet Association 20 Lee Hamel
39 Jackie Wallace Houston Croquet Association 20 Richard Lummis
40 David Ekstrom Lenox Croquet Club -2 David McCoy
41 W. David McCoy Lenox Croquet Club -0.5 David Ekstrom
42 Mary Rodeberg Lenox Croquet Club 1 Ron Eccles
43 Ronald Eccles Lenox Croquet Club 2 Mary Rodeberg
44 Rita McNamara Lenox Croquet Club 6 George Claffey
45 George Claffey Lenox Croquet Club 8 Rita McNamara
46 Ken Heim Lenox Croquet Club 12 Hillary Michaels
47 Hilary Michaels Lenox Croquet Club 12 Ken Heim
48 Richard Sullivan National Croquet Club -2 Bob Van Tassell
49 Jeff Morrison National Croquet Club 2 Yen Sullivan
50 Yen Sullivan National Croquet Club 4.5 Jeff Morrison
51 John Bannister National Croquet Club 12 Carol Bannister
52 Carol Bannister National Croquet Club 12 John Bannister
53 Jane Pflug National Croquet Club 15 TBD
54 Lin Irey National Croquet Club 8 Flowers, Priscilla
55 Conner L. Helms Scissortail Croquet Club -1.5 Jane Helms
56 Jane C. Helms Scissortail Croquet Club
Helms, Conner
57 Danny Huneycutt The Beach Club -3.5 Jodie Rugart
58 Jodie Rugart The Beach Club -1.5 Danny Huneycutt
59 Vickie Johnston The Beach Club 2 TBD
60 Jeanne Branthover The Beach Club 3.5 TBD
61 Thomas Tribby The Beach Club 4 TBD
62 Missy Chilton The Beach Club 6 Jane Casey
63 Jane Casey The Beach Club 7 Missy Chilton
64 Allison Worthington The Beach Club 9 TBD
65 Jeanette Tribby The Beach Club 10 TBD
66 Calvert Chaney West River Wickets 0 Hal Denton
67 Liddy Chaney West River Wickets 6 Rodney Calvert
68 Rodney Calver West River Wickets 9 Liddy Chaney
69 Linda Gutherie West River Wickets 10 Peter Gutherie
70 Peter Gutherie West River Wickets 20 Linda Gutherie
71 Randy Cardo Westhampton Mallet Club -3 Bev Cardo
72 Beverley Cardo Westhampton Mallet Club -1.5 Randy Cardo
73 Kevin Hansley Westhampton Mallet Club -0.5 Arthur Olsen
74 John Grabow Westhampton Mallet Club 4.5 David Kepner
75 Bill Sadowski Westhampton Mallet Club 6 TBD
76 David Kepner Westhampton Mallet Club 6 John Grabow
77 Mary Cassidy Westhampton Mallet Club 7 Alan Lazarescu
78 Lovejoy Duryea Westhampton Mallet Club 7 TBD Kelso Sutton
79 Anne Licursi Westhampton Mallet Club 7 TBD
80 Alan Lazarescu Westhampton Mallet Club 8 Mary Cassidy
81 Tom Hadlock Westhampton Mallet Club 10 Yolande Hadlock
82 Freear Pollard Westhampton Mallet Club 10 TBD
83 Yolande Hadlock Westhampton Mallet Club 11 Tom Hadlock
84 David Beccia Westhampton Mallet Club 11 TBD
85 Kathleen Lomas Westhampton Mallet Club 12 Lynn Lomas
86 Jessica Beccia Westhampton Mallet Club 12 TBD
87 Lynn Lomas Westhampton Mallet Club 13 Kathy Lomas
88 Melissa Nelson Westhampton Mallet Club 15 Dick Corey
89 Richard Corey Westhampton Mallet Club 9 Melissa Nelson


Ed Michaels

Robin Heim

Eileen Cornacchia


Thursday, March 16, 2023, to Sunday, March 19, 2023


National Croquet Center
700 Florida Mango Rd.
West Palm Beach, FL  33406

Event Contact(s)

Johnny Mitchell
561-478-0760 (p)


USCA Tournaments

Registration Info

Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only
American Rules
Cancellation Policy:
Cancellations made prior to the deadline will receive a credit to your account less a $25 handling charge. Any cancellation made after the deadline will forfeit any fees made except in the case of injury or illness less a $25 handling fee. Should an event be cancelled due to unavoidable circumstances, a full refund will be made to participants.