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West Palm Beach, Florida 33406
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HomeEventsUSCA Annual Meeting & Annual Awards - NCC, West Palm Beach, FL

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USCA Annual Meeting & Annual Awards - NCC, West Palm Beach, FL

About this event

USCA Annual Meeting and Awards Dinner

This is during the USCA Club Teams tournament. All tournament players and guests are invited to come. The dinner cost is included in the entry fee.

There is no charge for the dinner to those who are receiving an award however guests will have to pay a $50 dinner fee to attend.

USCA Annual Meeting - 6:00pm
Awards Dinner - 7:00pm

We ask players to sign-up online so we can get an accurate head count.


Friday, March 14, 2025


National Croquet Center
700 Florida Mango Rd.
West Palm Beach, FL  33406


Ursula Peck
(561) 478-0760 (p)


Special Event

Registration Info

Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only
Annual Meeting & Awards Dinner
Registration cancellations will be accepted
Cancellation Policy:
Cancellations made prior to the deadline will receive a credit to your account less a $25 handling charge. Any cancellation made after the deadline will forfeit any fees made except in the case of injury or illness less a $25 handling fee. Should an event be cancelled due to unavoidable circumstances, a full refund will be made to participants.

Number of People Who Will Attend

Annual Awards Guest
Annual Awards Recipient
(No Fee)
Register Now