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2023 USCA Southeast Florida District GC Championship

Cami Russack - Tournament Manager | Published on 5/19/2023

USCA Southeast Florida District GC Championship

May 19-21, 2023
National Croquet Center

May brought out 24 of South Florida’s best players to the courts at the National Croquet Center for friendly play, camaraderie, and competition. With players from Florida Sarasota County Croquet Club, Ocean Reef Croquet, National Croquet Club, Johns Island Croquet, Grey Oaks and the Little Club, we had 8 player blocks in Championship, First and Second Flights.


We all enjoyed the National Croquet Center hospitality and the delicious lunches from Sandy James Fine Foods and the Florida weather didn’t disappoint either, sunny days and the beautiful clouds and the cooling showers! Thanks to USCA’s Derek Wassink for officiating the Prize ceremony, with tumblers for the flight winners & finalists.


Group Trophies




Lynn Foley, an up-and coming player from NCClub commented “Exciting Golf Croquet tournament at NCC this weekend. As a first-year golf croquet player, I received many compliments. After our game, Jose Benjumea from Sarasota, County Croquet Club took time to help me with strategy, he is such a professional and courteous player. I’m looking forward to our next competition!”  We all agree, it’s the players who make the sport great!

Sansalone Foley
Jim Sansalone & Lynn Foley
Barbara Howard Glicken
Barbara & Howard Glicken
Sudderberg Hendrick
Lynda Sudderberg &
Kendall Hendrick
John Strasser
John Strasser

In Second Flight newer players double banked 70 minute Block games.  Having just played the SW District Championships in Bonita Bay, Howard Glicken had a tough Knock-out Qtr Final with Franck Meunier, with Franck winning 7-4.  Jay Carey played a hard fought 6-3 win over Franck in the Semi then Jay went on to best Lin Irey in the SF Finals 7-6. Lin took Second Place in SF overall. Bob Broadway’s 3rd Place win gave him a shiny new D-Grade too.


Alexandra Maccario
Sonia Alexandra & Rosemarie Maccario
Bob Broadway, Jose Benjumea, Frank Merschman, Jim Sansalone,
Jay Carey. & Jack Rush


First Flight showed the talents of some of the finest improving and crossover players in Florida.  Coming to Golf Croquet from 6 Wicket and Association play: Sonia Alexandra, Rosemarie Maccario and Johns Island, NCC and Maidstone pro Jack Rush played into the Knock-Outs. With his 2 wicket shots and great jumps.  NCClub’s 2nd place winner Jim Sansalone triumphed in the first 2 rounds, besting Sonia and Jose Benjumea.

With his 2 wicket shots and great jumps Jack Rush took home 1st. With Jose taking 3rd Place against Frank Merschman, Frank is also the proud owner of a new D-Grade, finishing 10 games to take 4th place in his FIRST Tournament. Well done by all!

Nancy Sansalone, Lynn Foley, Cami Russack, &
Kelly Merschman
Jose Benjumea
Jose Benjumea
Franck Meunier
Franck Meunier
FeiFei Jay Carey
Fei Fei Williams & Jay Carey


Championship Flight bought out Florida’s Best!  Our Tournament Director Tate Russack was the 1st place winner. Tate won every game but for 1 block game with Kendell Hendrick. Their reprise game in the CH-Final gave Kendell 2nd Place. Laura Hendrick showed us all her calm excellence, making the Semi Finals with a win over the Little Club’s Bruce Hindin 7-5. NCClubs own Lynda Sudderberg played an excellent tournament, schooling almost everyone in great strategy and ball placement. Rising Star John Strasser made the Knockouts, Congrats and you played in CH flight like naturals!

Flight Winners
Flight Winners
Jay Carey 2nd Flt, Tate Russack Champ Flt, Jack Rush 1st Flt
Champ Finalist Hendrick
Champ Finalist Kendall Hendrick

FF Winner Rush
1st Flight Winner Jack Rush
FF Finalist Sansalone
1st Finalist Jim Sansalone
SF Winner Carey
2nd Flight Winner Jay Carey
SF Finalist Irey
2nd Flight Finalist Lin Irey


USCA and the Tournament Manager: Cami Russack, Tournament Director: Tate Russack, Scoring Volunteers: Julia Johnson, Trudy Crowetz, Tate Russack II, Sophia Clap Russack and USCA’s Derek Wassink thank you all.  We look forward to another Great Day to Play Croquet!


Results can be found on

Submitted by: Cami Russack, Tournament Manager

Championship Flight
1. Tate Russack
2. Kendall Hendrick
3. Lynda Sudderberg
3. Laura Hendrick

First Flight
1. Jack Rush
2. Jim Sansalone
3. Jose Benjumea
4. Frank Merschman

Second Flight
1. Jay Carey
2. Lin Irey
3. Bob Broadway
4. Franck Meunier