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2023 Berkshire Invitational

David Ekstrom - TM | Published on 6/1/2023

Berkshire Invitational

June 1-4, 2023
Lenox Croquet Club

The 27th Berkshire Invitational in Lenox Massachusetts was held June 1-4, 2023.  We hosted 24 players and 2 guests from south to north: Florida to Maine, from west - Rochester, NY and Chicago and from east to Long Island, NY.  We welcomed 5 new players to the Berkshires and were happy to see many returning players.  Three flights of 8 players with handicaps ranging from -2.5 to 15.

There was a daily buffet breakfast, lunch, and toast & tally.  A tournament buffet dinner was held at Morgan House restaurant in Lee, MA and a BBQ on Sunday following the Finals matches.

Competition in all flights was fierce.  There were many upsets and excellent improved playing skills.  Several handicaps earned lower rankings and fun was had by all. Special thanks to Tom Coper for charts and Webster Bull for records and playoff schedules. Our member volunteers Carol Stuart, Martie Ekstrom, Rita McNamara, Bill Miller, George Claffey, Dorothea Endicott, Katie Bull and Stuart Lawrence's excellent grounds keeping.

The Championship Knockout saw Cortney Green over Chris Loat, Webster Bull over Preston Stuart, Jodie Rugart over David Ekstrom and Richard Laging over Patricia Spratt. In the finals, Webster Bull defeated Richard Laging 25 to 23.

First Flight Knockout saw David Kepner over Pete Bowers, Rita McNamara over Fred Beck, George Claffey over Gary Anderson, and Lee Anderson over Rick Hayes.  In the finals, David Kepner defeated Lee Anderson 18 to 15.

Second Flight Knockout saw Kathleen Green over Bess Gallantis, John Welch over Hilary Michaels, Suzanne Laging over Claudia Parks and Katie Bull over Sarah Persons. For the finals, Kathleen Green won over Katie Bull in overtime by 1 wicket.

Submitted by David Ekstrom, TM and President of Lenox Croquet Club.

Final Order

Championship Flight
1. Webster Bull
2. Rich Laging
3. Courtney Green
3. Jodie Rugart
5. Chris Loat
5. Preston Stuart
5. David Ekstrom
5. Patricia Spratt

First Flight
1. David Kepner
2. Lee Anderson
3. Rita McNamara
3. George Claffey
5. Pete Bowers
5. Fred Beck
5. Gary Anderson
5. Rick Hayes

Second Flight
1. Kathleen Green
2. Katie Bull
3. Suzanne Laging
3. John Welch
5. Bess Gallantis
5. Hillary Michaels
5. Claudia Parks
5. Sarah Persons