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HomeEventsUSCA FL Regional GC Championship - National Croquet Center, WPB, FL

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USCA FL Regional GC Championship - National Croquet Center, WPB, FL

About this event

Golf Croquet



Demand to play in this event has soared the last four years.  In 2024 we had 99 players join the waitlist for 56 playing slots.  This year we will have 72 playing slots.  The FL management team decided, as outlined in an email to the membership last January, that only USCA Florida members could play in this event. To be a Florida member you must have a FL club as your primary club as shown on the USCA website member page.  If you are a FL at-large member and not a member of a FL club, you must be a resident of Florida as shown by the address on the USCA website.  We did this so our top four Florida players in each flight in this event are automatically entered in the nationals.  Last year in championship flight 3 of the 4 semi-finalist were not from Florida.  It is a Florida Championship and its purpose is to send the top Florida players to the nationals to represent our region.


  1. This year the five Florida Regional districts all had district GC championship events to determine district champions.  Eight players that were semi-finalist for championship and first flights in each district are automatically prequalified to the Florida Regional.  The list is posted below.  You will get an invoice for your entry fee and it must be paid in 7 days and before the allocation date of January 15th to preserve your place.  Any player that was a semi-finalist in more than one district will be admitted as representing his primary district and the other slot will revert to the next allocation group. 
  2. The Florida Regional Vice President can prequalify and invite three Florida players not in the semi-finalist group above if it is in the best interest of the region in sending its best players to the 2025 National GC Championship. 
  3. If you were one of the roughly 90 players that competed in these events you are prequalified and will be admitted after group 1 and 2 in order of D-grade as a group prior to the Jan 15th allocation date.  
  4. The last group will be admitted from the waitlist in order of D-Grade on the allocation date Jan 15th.
  • If on the allocation date, January 15th, all players from the waitlist are admitted, then players will be admitted on the date they enter unless a new waitlist forms.

If you were part of Groups 1-3 and you did not join the waitlist or pay your invoice you will lose your prequalification and join the waitlist on January 15th by D-Grade.  If all places available are allocated, players will be invoice in order that they register on a first come first serve basis.

Bill Simmons - Florida RVP



Name Grade Doubles Partner
1 Curtis Drake 2263 Wy Louw
2 Wy Louw 2033 Curtis Drake
3 Matthew Griffith 2028 Ellie Griffith
4 Bob Van Tassell 2009
5 Marc Stearns 2002 MIke Hatcher
6 Scott Spoerl 1976 Billie Ray
7 Tate Russack 1974 Cami Russack
8 Kendall Hendrick 1957 Laura Hendrick
9 Ellie Griffith 1947 Matt Griffith
10 Mike Hatcher 1940 Marc Strearns
11 Jack Rush 1936 Bo Prillaman
12 Helen Covington 1884 Alice Scanlon
13 Mike Hoggatt 1864 Greg Gonzales
14 Bo Prillaman 1840 Jack Rush
15 Billie Ray 1839 Scott Spoerl
16 Cami Russack 1831 Tate Russack
17 Gregory Gonzales 1780 Mike Hoggatt
18 Robert Smothers 1777 Rick Hayes
19 Tim Wright 1774 Fred Heald
20 Jeff Morrison 1754 Bill Simmons
21 Richard Hayes 1722 Robert Smothers
22 Janalyn Spoerl 1722 Mike Carroll
23 Laura Hendrick 1715 Kendall Hendrick
24 Billy Simmons 1683 Jeff Morrison
25 John Strasser 1681
26 Joseph Ferrara 1665
27 Michael Kolowich 1660 John Grout
28 John Grout 1632 Michael Kolowich
29 Jane Smith 1628 Bob Smith
30 Tom Eggleston 1614 Joyce Eggleston
31 John Dillon 1604
32 Rich Rose 1584
33 Susu Day 1569 Frank Ferro
34 Jay Carey 1566 Kim Jones
35 Alice Scanlon 1561 Helen Covington
36 Bob Smith 1560
37 Clark Lea 1543
38 Robert Smith 1521 Tom Lobsitz
39 Thomas Lobsitz 1500 Robert Smith
40 Joyce Eggleston 1500 Tom Eggleston
41 Fred Heald 1495 Tim Wright
42 Susie Day 1476
43 L. Kim Jones 1444 Jay Carey
44 Richard Allen 1441
45 Franck Meunier 1430
46 Gregory Presley 1414
47 Frank Ferro 1314 Susu Day
48 Mike Carroll 1214 Jan Spoerl
49 Adam Peck n/a Ursula Peck

Singles Only

50 Gene Raymond 1811
51 Diane Walker 1725
52 Pamela Groh 1496
53 Lynn Epstein 1378

Doubles Only

54 Ursula Peck n/a Adam Peck


Thursday, February 13, 2025, to Sunday, February 16, 2025


National Croquet Center
700 Florida Mango Rd.
West Palm Beach, FL  33406


Johnny Mitchell
561-478-0760 (p)


USCA Tournaments

Registration Info

Registration is closed - Event is full
Payment In Full In Advance Only
Golf Croquet
Registration cancellations will be accepted until Friday, February 7, 2025 at 12:01 AM
Cancellation Policy:
Cancellations made prior to the deadline will receive a credit to your account less a $25 handling charge. Any cancellation made after the deadline will forfeit any fees made except in the case of injury or illness less a $25 handling fee. Should an event be cancelled due to unavoidable circumstances, a full refund will be made to participants.