2022 ScissorTail State 6 wicket Championship
October 13-16, 2022
Oklahoma City Golf & Country Club
Competition was stiff at this year’s ScissorTail State 6 wicket Championship held at the Oklahoma City Golf and Country Club. Britt Ruby and Joe Yoder came up from Texas. Matt Baird, Kevin McQuigg, and Joe Steiner traveled over from Tulsa. They were joined by ScissorTail Croquet Club members Scott and Suzanne Spradling, Dale Jordan, Carl Archiniaco and Jim Loftis.

Early Morning Lawns
The weather cooperated with cool mornings and sunny warm afternoons. The rain even held off until overnight Saturday. Sunday and playoffs were dry and cool.

Scissortail Pizza Party
The tournament began with Waterford doubles on Thursday. It offered a way for the players to acclimate to the lawns which were running fast and had some breaks with character. Britt Ruby was the winner and Kevin McQuigg runner up.
The format provided double elimination in the playoff round so everyone came out of block and had two chances to advance. Scott Spradling and Matt Baird made it to the finals in the Championship flight. Scott was undefeated. Matt worked his way up through the consolation bracket. Matt won the first match and Scott the second one, so a third match had to be played. It was close but Scott was the winner and Matt runner up. Kevin McQuigg took third place.
In First flight Carl Archiniaco and Dale Jordan made it to the finals. They also ended up having to play three matches to determine the winner. Dale prevailed as the winner and Carl runner up. Suzanne Spradling took third place.

Matt Baird, Scott Spradling, Kevin McQuigg, Dale Jordan, Carl Archiniaco
Final Order
Championship Singles
1. Scott Spradling
2. Matt Baird
3. Kevin McQuigg
4. Britt Ruby
5. Joe Yoder
6. Joe Steiner
First Flight Singles
1. Dale Jordan
2. Carl Archiniaco
3. Suzanne Spradling
4. James Loftis
Waterford Doubles
1. Britt Ruby
2. Kevin McQuigg
3. Carl Archiniaco
4. Dale Jordan
5. Joe Yoder
6. James Loftis
7. Joe Steiner
8. Suzanne Spradling
9. Scott Spradling
10. Matt Baird